Jordan EConomic Plan

Jordan Economic Plan

Engineering & Planning

An innovation stream in smart & sustainable cities

Community & Experts:

An Innovation & studies stream for decision makers in the Energy, Transport & Infrastructure sectors. 

Participants: Feras Naser

A Twinning Program Between Jordan & Lebanon in the field of Smart Cities Taking an Inspiration form 

Community & Experts:

A Twining Program between Jordan & Lebanon in the field of Smart Cities. The Cocreation Movement has built credible capability in the field of Smart Cities. Working with Lebanese youth in the development of the technology, innovation diffusion and Talent Development will help in cooperation among nations, but most importantly building significant capability in the field. 

Participants: Razan Bou Hamdan (Forever Young – Lebanon) , Maya Mayas (Forever Young – Lebanon), Ranim Thebian (Forever Young – Lebanon) & Feras Naser (


An innovation stream for decision makers in the tourism sector

We presented a group of global partnership and novel concepts for the tourism sector

Participants: Andrea Zinga & Feras Naser

Community & Experts:


Solving Transport Inefficiencies in Jordan. 

Community & Experts:

1- Replace BRT with a TRAM
2- Better Ticketing System. 
3- Apply ITS and CITS Tech.

4- Share Public Transportation Data on the map. 

Participants: Hamid Dawood, Aksana Rasulberfieva, Mohammed Daja

Increasing Road Safety by Overcoming Drivers Distraction Using Technology

Community & Experts:

The use of Visual & Audio indicators along with AI to alert the drivers. 
Existing Solutions: AutoPilot, Driver Assistance Systems, DDAW, Zero Cars Cities. 

Participants: Nadeen Al Haddad

Reduction of Traffic Congestion through a Recommendation and Trips Scheduling System based on flexible working hours 

Community & Experts:

Building a Recommendation System that collects work schedule data and provide a recommendation on the most optimum time to daily commute   trips. This includes the possibility of ride sharing on specific times. 

Participants: Ammar Abu Othman

Encouraging Car Sharing through Compulsory Digital Transportation Points for Vehicle registration renewal. 

Community & Experts:

Digital Transportation Points will be a fundamental part of the future of intermodal, connected,, autonomous transportation that intersects with many other domains and sectors. Having compulsory Digital Transportation points that encourage car sharing can help in promoting car sharing and it will be applied much quickly because it is tied to vehicle registration. 

Participants: Laura & Henrieta ( Germany) 

Environment & Green Economy

Manipulation & enhancement of land ownership rules for Greener Jordan. 

Community & Experts:

Jordan is considered the safest country in the middle east, the strategic position of the country plays a significant role in attracting tourists and traders, this is why an investments in the vast Jordan desert land and turn it into an attractive Green Areas will help many of the countries youth to find work opportunities in the agricultural sector. This can happen through leasing government and private owners land to be developed by the youth as an exchange of owning the government land in the future or sharing a percentage of the land returns with the private owners. This require some manipulation and enhancement of the current land ownership rules.

Participants: Ruba Rihani & Balqees Qudaimat

Potential Interesting Solutions that links between Food Productions, Sanitation and the Green Economy. 
(InComplete Phase)

Community & Experts:

Some countries have a big problem in Sanitation which impact the quality of the drinking water and public health. Other countries are interested in food production and food security, however this is linked the quality of the available soil and water resources. The green economy can be seen a newly emerging economy where people needs to value new systems, lifestyle and products that are associated with the Green Economy. 

Ideas, Canvas & Problem Tree

Feedback & NextStage

Workshop AI Output

Human / AI Benchmarking

Executive Instructions & Execution Teams

Community and Experts Feedback

Participants: Sara Amaireh


Digital Health Awareness Campaign with full coordination of civil society organizations & NGOs.  

Community & Experts:

Digital Health Awareness Campaign & Solutions that can lower the risk of chronic diseases such as, pressure, diabetes, thyroid gland. 

Participants: Ghada Zaiter & Moayad Abu Rumman


Accelerating Social Investment & Building an Industry Enabling Environment

A Global Responsible Investment & Industry Enablement Packages

Community & Experts:

The problem is many social investments are not happening, so you really not to find proper financial instruments, incentives and proper monitoring environment that make sure those investments are continuously happening.

The second problem is how to build an enabling manufacturing environment. 

The solution A Group of Responsible investment and industry enablement package – This includes further development on the cocreation movement. 

Participants: Mousa from HTU & Advin from Dijon

Better incubators that is attractive for investors

Community & Experts:

The problem is that  investment in Jordan has decreased. 

The solution is to build more attractive companies, this can happen through better incubation. In addition to that, you need to raise awareness and develop students and business owners

Participants: Zaid Abu Rumman, Omar Awadallah

Inventor Registration, Opportunity Matching & Phycological Support Platform

Community & Experts:

An online platform for inventors registration, mentorship, support and talent nurturing with special emphasis on improving inventors phycological well being with the objective of increasing his/her inventiveness & Creativity

Participants: Eng Bilal Khalaf & Dr. Izz Al Deen Shehadah

A Platform for Highlighting Local Success Stories in Research and Development

Community & Experts:

An online platform for showcasing local R&D success stories, highlighting how R&D can be a key pillar for growth and economical development. Focusing on attracting investment to R&D. 

Participants: Othman Al Batikhi

A Platform for Ranking Top Fund Managers and the Provision of Mutual Funds investment as well specialized investment courses

Community & Experts:

A platform for connecting  top local fund managers with the public and young investors, the platform provide a performance  ranking for fund managers and access to insights and investment advices. The possibility of investment based on profit sharing is provided as well. 

Participants: Ayham Abu Sleem

A platform for ranking Finance Managers based on performance to monitor and control SMEs finance and spending

Community & Experts:

Many SMES face the problem of Finance Management, They might get a grant but they might not manage it well. Providing a platform for top finance managers to monitory and control the spending of SMEs might help in their performance. 

Participants: Feras Naser

Market Current Condition A  platform for Providing Market Vision, Opportunities, Citizens and entrepreneurs market related participatory opinions, Participation, incentives, market polices and global markets benchmarking.  

Community & Experts:

Many  young people and entrepreneurs are  complaining about the market conditions, decision makers  are unsure of the best policies to adopt. Building a citizens and business led platform for the optimum market and the best financial instruments and incentives to have with a clear benchmarking with other markets can be useful. 

Participants: Ahmad Barakat

A community that is designed to lower the cost and enhance opportunities for entrepreneurs

Community & Experts:

Entrepreneurs face a growing development and marketing costs, there are many ways to lower the cost. One of the ways that can lower the costs is for  entrepreneurs to be part of highly specialized societies with established structures and established norms to lower the cost and create greater opportunities for entrepreneurs.  

Participants: Amer Khaattab


Digital Fashion Technologies |  A Smart Mirror that provides Feedback on your look and Appearance. 

Community & Experts:

Many people looks change with time, sometimes because of adding weight, other times because of the change of style. Having a Smart Mirror that provide you with daily feedback on  your look and how you can look even better can be the next revolution in Digital Fashion. 

Participants: Raed Freez, Bilal Khalaf , Dr Mohammed Kassasbeh. 


A parallel educational System that have novel components for a more differentiated  learning outcome

Community & Experts:

Many people believe the educational system is dysfunctional and the statistics supports that, that, this is why many organizations started upgrading their education institutes, this seems to create a parallel educational system that is suitable for the current market. in this project we discuss various novel elements associated with the newly emerging educational system.  

Participants:  Dr Mohamed Kasasbeh

Super Teachers Exchange Programs. 

Community & Experts:

Many countries have poor education infrastructure and does not have sufficient education resources, online education and digitalization of education has become one of the possible solutions for lowering the cost to education. 

While I think embracing online and digital education is a key component in the future success of any educational infrastructure, it is important to note the role of Super Teachers, who would pave the way for teaching the most modern topics using the most advanced technologies. 

Participants: Sufian and Baker (Jordan) 

Games and Design

A Ranking system for designers based on their story, design skills and their social and economic backgrounds

Community & Experts:

Building a High Quality design culture in the country is important to build the country brand and to enhance it is export potential. Having a Ranking systems for designers based on their story, design skills and social and economic backgrounds might provide sufficient incentive for creating a higher quality designs.  

Participants: Mohammed Al Etewi

High Level Solution: A Best Practices for Data Collections in Games Hub. 

Low Level Solution:
A Tool for user data generation and validation through 3rd Party Resources and AI. 

Community & Experts:

Data Driven Design in Games is becoming a popular trend, some game designer struggle in getting the right use data and user behavior data. 

Utilizing the recent development in Generative AI and the ability to access personal Data through 3rd party resources might help game designers develop a more enhanced and more personal games.

Participants: Feras Naser, Hala Sweiliem and Sara Amaireh (From HTU)