Greater Innovations, Better Results, Greater World



"Cocreation is one of the possible paths for accelerating global innovations and solving global problems, the ability to bring multi stakeholders to work together in harmony and achieve a greater goal, it is a process that needs to be mastered in a way similar to team sports, intrinsic understanding of roles, working in harmony for achieving a goal. Bees, ants and nature can teach us so much on cocreation "
- Feras Naser





The State of the Movement 5 – Download
The State of the Movement 6 – Download
The Cocreation Movement Global Tour – Download
The Cocreation Strategy for 2025 – Download

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Global SDG CoCreation


A cocreation platform and an entrepreneurship building approach. 

Community & Experts:

A cocreation platform and an entrepreneurship training approach that is suitable for countries with low innovation metrics or low GDPs. Great enabler for innovation in times of Global Youth Mobility and Digital Platforms.

Participants: Feras Naser

Leadership Group in the Automotive & Transport Systems Sector

Community & Experts:

A Leadership group that is responsible for leading the regional, and possibly global  transition in the Automotive Sector. Focusing on Areas such as New Transport Modes, Electric Mobility, Autonomous Cars, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and other Transport Systems. 

Participants: Zaid Olimat & Feras Naser

Digital Cocreation – Utilizing Digital Manufacturing Capabilities in the City from CNC Machines, 3D Printers and other manufacturing machines. 

Community & Experts:

A Platform that guide young people on how to access 3D digital designs and manufacture them using publicly accessible digital manufacturing machines. The platform aims to equip young people with new capabilities in Digital manufacturing, Computer Aided Design, Engineering and Manufacturing. (CAD/CAM/CAE). The Platform will sharpen young people skills in digital manufacturing so you they can build new ventures in the field of digital manufacturing. 

Participants: Feras Naser

Cyber Physical Builder  Building Cyber Physical Systems is one of main skills of the future.

Systems that can be part of consumer appliances, consumer applications, the AUTOMOTIVE industry, the AEROSPACE industry & SPACE industry. 

Cyber Physical Builder will help you to build cyber physical systems in your home in the same way people follow cooking recipes. 

Community & Experts:

Building Cyber Physical Systems Building Capability within the population means that people will be able to build systems and custom systems that they can use in their daily lives. 

This will lead to major advancements in the defense, space, aerospace & automotive industries. People will be able to build their own systems and use it. 

Cyber Physical Builder is a website that help countries build their commercial cyber physical building capability. 


Participants: Feras Naser

Quality of EDUCATION

An Online Platform for Flexible Curriculum Design 

Community & Experts:

Building a flexible curriculum that is based on people experiences and global organizations experience.  The newly designed curriculum should  allow the parents to take part in the curriculum design decision and should  provide even a more personalized learning experience. 

Participants: Sara’ Mohammed & Huthafa Abu Hassan

Global Twining & Exchange program between local & Global Universities, Public and Private Schools, Companies and Government Sector 

Community & Experts:

One of the main challenges facing education on a global scale is the quality of education, some schools have poor infrastructure, some education systems will keep the students trapped in specific social cycles. A Twining and Exchange program between local and global universities, public and private schools, companies and government organizations might provide young people with higher quality education due to new types of exposures. 

Participants: Abdullah from HTU

A Precision Education Investment Formula  for Students, Schools and Cities Based on a Broad Range of Capability Measurement Criteria’s. 

Community & Experts:

Equitable Funding is one of the main problems in Education, some students get access to private education, high quality teachers and more while others are not, some schools have the best educational facilities in the world while others are not. Unfortunately not all investments in education will be rewarded, from the perspective of the students, schools or even city and  the macro economy levels. 

This demands  a new way of thinking about investments in higher quality education, sometimes you need to invest in different personalized curriculums, sometimes you need to invest based on the city natural and economical capabilities, sometimes you need to invest based on the students capabilities and interests. 

A Formula for assessing the potential returns on investments on various types of education based on a broad range of capability measurement criteria’s is what is needed!!

Participants: Mohammed Rami Abu Eid from HTU

Good Health & WellBeing

A Happiness Ecosystem and a Guiding Theoretical Framework that help individuals and organization live a happier life.  

Ecosystem Components Delivered: Stress Relief Village, Online Emotionally Supporting Group.

Community & Experts:

The pursuit of happiness is the ultimate purpose of ALL citizens in the world. Happiness is a state of mind that sometimes described as static. While people are being caught in the daily struggle of survival and growth, they miss the original purpose of life and they become trapped into various emotional issues.   

In this project we provide the guiding framework for building the individual happiness ecosystem, the components of the system represent how individuals tackle stress and build a permanent state of happiness.   

Ideas, Canvas & Problem Tree

Feedback & NextStage

Workshop AI Output

Human / AI Benchmarking

Executive Instructions & Execution Teams

Service 1 : Happy Me Mobile App – Google Play – Download

Service 2 : Happy Me Web Platform – Link

Service 3: Happy Me Mobile App – App Store (Apple) – Download

Community and Experts Feedback

Participants: Jana Thebian (Lebanon – Forever Young) – Annita Nestoridi (Cybrus – Roteract)  – Feras Naser (Cocreation

An NGO for promoting Remote Digital AI Driven Healthcare tools to spread the Concepts of Community Self Treatments, Community Self Care, Peer Treatment & Remote AI Driven Healthcare

Community & Experts:

The cost of healthcare for governments is continuously on the rise, the desire to provide better and cheaper and higher quality healthcare is the GOAL of many governments. In this solution, we develop an NGO that will focus on spreading awareness and training on remote healthcare, AI driven healthcare & Spreading Concepts such as community self-healing, community self-caring & peer treatment. 

The NGO will help in spreading awareness on the most advanced healthcare tools, spreading concepts such as community self care, community self treatment, peer Learning and Remote AI Driven Digital Healthcare. 

Participants: Eva Afif (Lebanon – Forever Young) – Monther Al Hassanieh (Lebanon – Forever Young)  – Feras Naser (Cocreation

Gender Equality & Women Empowerment

Women Inclusion Policy Recommendation  Tool based on local contexts. 

Community & Experts:

Women Inclusion Policy Recommendation  Tool based on local contexts. The tool can be applied by various stakeholders to get the best policies that can be implemented to empower women and help them to have greater economic inclusion. It also shows what opportunities are available for applying such policies. 

Participants: Zaid Katami

Social & Political Rewards for Women Empowering Males. 

Community & Experts:

In women empowerment, the role of positive & supportive males are clearly understood. This is why the development of a rewards systems for positive and supportive males can advance the women empowerment agenda and women role in our society.

Participants: Hagar Al Badri (Gwana Egypt), Merna and Maryam


A Quantification and Communication tool for Social Justice subcomponents

Community & Experts:

Social injustice is a complex phenomena that can result from factors such as wealth  inequality, the lack of political participation, human rights violation, wealth and income gap among many other aspects that contribute to this complex phenomena. In order to communicate Social injustice you need a very visible quantifying and communication tool to show how various interventions result in solving the problem of social injustice. 

Participants: Ana & Maryam (Germany) 

Weather and infrastructure adaptation plans content delivery system and restoration technology. 

Community & Experts:

Climate change will result in an increasing number of extreme weather conditions such as floods, heat waves, heavy snow, dust storms and heavy precipitation, those sudden phenomena’s will results in damages to different sectors such as Agriculture, Urban Planning, Transport, Water Resources and more. 

Weather Plans bring new climate plans communication technology to make sure that communities and governments are better at Predicting, Mitigating and Restoring the impacts of Climate change. 

Participants: Leader Feras Naser – Global Cocreation Authority

A Policy  Framework for Managing Food Waste and Developing Food Consumption Regulation Through Building Food Banks in the city or at a neighborhood level that is responsible for collecting excessive food, donating it, and turning into energy.

Community & Experts:

The problem of hunger in the world is not an the problem of the lack of food, but it is the problem of the lack of access to food. Hunger is a different problem than food waste, however the two problems can help in solving each other, if we have the right policy framework and if we have the right facilities distributed across the city  to implement food waste policies but also collect excessive food, reduce food waste & reduce hunger. 

Participants: Raneem Nasr ( Forever Young – Lebanon), Sara Riman (Forever Young – Lebanon), Aline Bu Hussain (Forever Young – Lebanon), Aya Sarrieddin ( Forever Young – Lebanon), Feras Naser (